Product Code | 250752363400 |
Size | 150 x 210 x 1CM |
Materials | COTTON |
Weight | 0.82KG |
Warranty | --- |
Assembly Type | ASSEMBLED |
Assembly Time | 0MIN |
Delivery Type | DROP OFF DELIVERY |
Package Size | 13.5 x 11.5 x 22cm |
Package Weight | 0.84KG |
Made In | CHINA |

1. The secret to easy replacement
We have tested
the time required for the time-consuming process of smoothing out wrinkles, and compared to conventional products, the time required for wearing is about half! )

About 85% of people find it easy to change
(Nitori Corporation, Teijin Frontier Co., Ltd., and Nara Women's University survey)

2. The secret to reduced shifting
The top and bottom of the inside of the cover are made from Teijin's “Nano Front®” fabric, a super-fine fiber developed by Teijin. The large frictional force makes it difficult for the inner futon to slip.

What is Nano Front®, which creates friction?
The secret to N Grip's ability to create friction lies in the Nano Front® thread developed by Teijin. By collecting this ultra-fine thread (Nano Front®) and making it into a thread, and by increasing the surface area, the contact surface is increased, creating strong friction. This friction makes it difficult for the inner futon to slip. (Since Nano Front® is only on one side, the futon can be removed and replaced smoothly. ) In addition, because it is an ultra-fine thread, the fabric is soft and gentle on the skin.
Even thinner than microfiber, which is generally considered to be thin!

3. OK to wash!
Even after 50 washes, the frictional force hardly decreases!

*The results are measured values, not guaranteed values. *Teijin Frontier Co., Ltd. survey
*The image is an image. The Palette series is used. Single size [NITORI x TEIJIN] ● The “Nano Front®” fabric, which prevents the futon from slipping, is used on the top and bottom of the reverse side ● Easy to put on and take off, with no strings! Full-length zipper●Easy to attach and remove. With slits■Number of stitches (approx.): 205 stitches. Outer fabric: 205 stitches. Inner fabric: 205 stitches. *The term “number of stitches” refers to the total number of warp and weft threads per inch (2.54 cm). The higher the number, the finer the thread used, so the fabric will be softer and finer. Anything over 250 is called a high-density fabric. Composition: Outer fabric: 100% cotton, non-slip part (inside): 100% polyester. Machine washable. This is only a quilt cover for sale.肌ざわりが良い 綿100%生地使用。

1. 付け替えラクラクの秘密


2. ズレにくさの秘密


3. 洗濯してもOK!

※結果は測定値であり保証値ではありません ※帝人フロンティア㈱調べ
※画像はイメージです。パレットシリーズを使用しています。 シングルサイズ【NITORI×TEIJIN】●ふとんがズレにくい「ナノフロント®」生地を裏返し面の上下に使用●ひもなしラクラクなのでカバーの付け替え簡単!●出し入れ簡単!全開ファスナー●取り付け・取りはずしが簡単 スリット付き■打ち込み本数(約):205本表生地:205本 裏生地:205本※「打ち込み本数」とは、1インチ(2.54cm)あたりの 「たて糸」「よこ糸」の合計本数のことです。数値が多いほど、細い糸を使っているので、生地が柔らかく、きめ細かい生地になります。250本以上のものを高密度な生地といいます。■組成側生地:綿100%滑りにくい部分(内側):ポリエステル100%■洗濯機OKこちらは掛けふとんカバーのみの販売です。