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Adjust height 10 positions Pillow soba2

मूल कीमत ₹ 3,990 - मूल कीमत ₹ 3,990
मूल कीमत
₹ 3,990
₹ 3,990 - ₹ 3,990
मौजूदा कीमत ₹ 3,990
MRP: ₹4990


Product Code 250755065100
Size 40 x 60 x 12CM
Materials polyester
Weight 1.88KG
Warranty ---
Assembly Type ASSEMBLED
Assembly Time 0MIN
Package Size 33 x 16 x 50cm
Package Weight 2.22KG
You can create your ideal pillow by adjusting the height at 10 different points. Made from natural buckwheat hulls. Excellent at absorbing and releasing moisture, for a refreshing sleeping experience.

The image is for illustrative purposes only. Waking up with your own pillow will change your day|10 height adjustment pillows pillowMade from buckwheat husks, a natural material with excellent moisture absorption and moisture release propertiesMade from buckwheat hulls, a natural material with excellent moisture absorption and moisture release propertiesIt absorbs excess moisture such as sweat and releases moisture while not in use, so it feels smooth and comfortable. Also, the use of natural buckwheat husks makes you feel safe. You can make your favorite pillow by adjusting the height at 10 pointsYou can make your own pillow to your liking by adjusting the height at 10 different points. Buckwheat hulls You can make fine adjustments by putting the filling in and out of the zipper on the back of the pillow. Total of 10 height adjustment points How to adjust the pillow|When sleeping on your backHow to adjust the height of the pillow at 10 different points: When sleeping on your sideOverall Adjustment Urethane Sheet< img src='https://www-s1.test-nitori-net.jp/ecstatic/include/goods/rich/7/7550651s/7550651/7550651_03.jpg' alt='Partial Adjustment Urethane Sheet' style='margin:0 auto 1px; display:block; padding-bottom:6%; width:1 00%; border-bottom:1px dashed #dbdbdb;'>Urethane sheet insideMain body (back)When sleeping on your back, when sleeping on your sideAnti-bacterial, anti-odor finish (body, side fabric only)Antibacterial deodorant finish (main body, side fabric only)The outer fabric has a pleasant antibacterial deodorant finish. What's more, the outer layer is made of three-layered knit fabric for a smooth feel against the skin. It inhibits the growth of bacteria and has an odor-preventing effect, so you can use it hygienically. * Please be sure to use a pillowcase as it cannot be washed.
●Made from natural buckwheat hulls. ●Excellent moisture absorption and moisture release properties for a refreshing sleeping experience. ●You can create your ideal pillow by adjusting the height at 10 different points. ●Anti-bacterial and anti-odor treatment (main body, side fabric) Pillow height: height adjustment Pillow firmness: firm Composition: outer fabric: 100% polyester, filling: 100% polyester, middle fabric: 100% polyester, 100% polyester Filling: 100% polyester Other: buckwheat hulls, height adjustment sheet Urethane foam Side fabric: 100% polyester (not washable)


※画像はイメージです。自分だけのまくらで目覚めが変わる|高さ10ヵ所の調整まくら吸湿・放湿性に優れた天然素材そば殻使用吸湿・放湿性に優れた天然素材そば殻使用汗など余分な水分を吸収し、使用していない間に水分を外へ放出してくれるのでサラッとした使い心地。また天然素材のそば殻使用で安心。計10ヵ所の高さ調整でお好みのまくらが自在につくれる計10ヵ所の高さ調整でお好みのまくらが自在につくれる|そば殻本体裏側のファスナー部分から中材を出し入れし、微調整できます。計10ヵ所の高さ調整まくら調整のしかた|仰向け寝の場合計10ヵ所の高さ調整まくら調整のしかた|横向け寝の場合全体調整ウレタンシート部分調整ウレタンシート中身のウレタンシート本体(裏面)仰向け寝の場合、横向け寝の場合抗菌防臭加工(本体 側生地のみ)抗菌防臭加工(本体 側生地のみ)外側生地にはうれしい抗菌防臭加工付き。しかも、表は3層ニット生地でなめらかな肌触り。細菌の増殖を抑制し、防臭効果を発揮!衛生的にご使用いただけます。※洗濯ができませんので、必ず枕カバーを使用してください。
●天然素材のそば殻を使用。●吸湿放湿性に優れ、さわやかな寝心地。●計10ヵ所の高さ調整でお好みのまくらが自在につくれます。●抗菌防臭加工(本体 側生地)■まくらの高さ:高さ調整■まくらのかたさ:かため■組成・側生地表生地:ポリエステル100%中わた:ポリエステル100%中生地:ポリエステル100%マチ部分:ポリエステル100%裏生地:ポリエステル100%・充填物首もと:ポリエステル100%その他:そば殻・高さ調整シートウレタンフォーム側生地:ポリエステル100%■(洗濯不可)

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
I was able to adjust it for sleeping on my side.

I've had this pillow for two years now, and I sleep on my side, but I've been using it at the height I bought it at (the front is a little lower, probably the shape for sleeping on your back), without making any adjustments, but I've always thought that the front was too low when I sleep on my side, and that the height and shape didn't quite match, and I've been thinking about buying a pillow for sleeping on your side, like the ones they advertise on TV I thought about buying a pillow for sleeping on one's side, so I looked at various pillows on Nitori Net, but then I remembered that this pillow could be adjusted, so I read the product description on the website carefully and adjusted it as described, and the height became suitable for sleeping on one's side, so it became very comfortable and I could sleep easily! I also like the fact that it's not a fluffy pillow like you get in hotels, but is made from buckwheat hulls and is firm.

A refreshing pillow.

I bought this pillow because I wanted a buckwheat pillow. It is cool and supportive in just the right way, and it is very comfortable.

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